Dt. Kanika Khanna is a professional PCOS Management Dietitian in Sydney having 14+ years of experience. We are known as Best PCOS Management Diet Consultant in Sydney. So, You can visit Top Most Verified PCOS Management Diet Clinic in Sydney. Book Appointment Online for PCOS Management Diet in Sydney.
PCOS Management Diet Consultant in Sydney, Dietitian for PCOS Management in Sydney, Nutritionist for PCOS Management in Sydney, Dietician for PCOS Management in Sydney.
One out of 10 women of childbearing age experienced a common health condition PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome).PCOS is a "syndrome," or group of symptoms that affects the ovaries and ovulation. Its three main features are:
• cysts in the ovaries
• high levels of male hormones
• irregular or skipped periods
In PCOS body makes too much androgen which is a male hormone, it can lead to weight gain especially around belly area.
Common symptoms of PCOS
The most common PCOS symptoms are:
• Irregular periods
• Heavy bleeding.
• Excessive facial hair growth.
• Acne over face, chest, and upper back.
• Weight gain.
• Hair on the scalp gets thinner and may fall out.
• Darkening of the skin
• Headaches
• Pelvic pain
Causes of PCOS
• Genetic
• Insulin resistance
• Inflammation
How to manage PCOS by the help of Nutritionist in Sydney
In the surveillance of Dietitian in Sydney will guide you about why Diet and exercise are important parts of managing PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). This is because young women with PCOS often have higher levels of the hormone insulin in their blood, and many have trouble maintaining their weight that will help them to meet their physical health potential. Following a diet that meets a person's nutritional needs, maintains a healthy weight, and promotes good insulin levels can help people with PCOS feel better..
How we are Managing PCOS
Dietofy team work with you to create a customized Diet plan for PCOS reversal,including unlimited nutrition guidance , exercise advice and follow-ups for the whole duration. A dedicated dietician will motivate and guide you through out the program.
We work on the root cause and symptoms by doing series of assessments.We provide customized diet to our patients which help in managing PCOS.However, eating well and being active can help manage some of the long term complications of PCOS.
Role of Diet in Managing PCOS
Diet play a very important role in PCOS as it helps to regulate blood sugar levels and thus improve insulin resistance that results in weight loss and regulating menstrual cycle. Many lifestyle modifications are suggested for women suffering from PCOS, the basic guidelines for a PCOS diet are to focus onhigh fibre, whole grains, fresh produce, and plant-based proteins while limiting sugar, processed food, and trans fat. Depending on your overall health needs, you may need to adjust your intake of specific macronutrients (fat, protein, carbohydrates) or add supplements.
What to eat In PCOS
More fibre:-
Recommended foods high in fiber can help combat insulin resistance by slowing digestion and reducing the impact of sugar in the blood.Include more of whole grains ,broccoli cauliflower sprouts, green leafy vegetables , green & red peppers, beans, lentils, almond, beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkin.
Eat more lean protein: -
Protein keeps us full for longer time, thus itsless likely for us to reach for unhealthy snacks. protein such as chicken,turkey,fish,soydon't provide fibre but are very filling and healthy dietary option for woman with PCOS.
Eat low glycemic index (GI) food: The body digests foods with a low GI more slowly, which means they do not cause insulin levels to rise as much or as quickly as other foods, include oats ,millets, low gi fruits like apple, papaya etc
Include more of An anti-inflammatory food: Anti-inflammatory foods, such as berries, fatty fish, leafy greens, and extra virgin olive oil, may reduce inflammation-related symptoms, such as lethargy,Eat food that reduces inflammation. Chiaseeds,Tomatoes, Spinach, Almond, Walnuts, Olive oil, fruits, fatty fish high in omega 3 fatty acid.
Choose wisely, avoid foods that are high in sugar, salt, refined flour and fat such as:
• White rice, pasta or bread
• Baked biscuits
• Aerated drinks
• Candy and chocolate
• Salted snacks
Green Leafy Vegetables
Leafy vegetables have maximum nutrients per calories compared to other foods and also rich in calcium, iron, and potasium, magnesium along with vitamins K, C and E and most importantly essential B vitamins which plays an imperative role in managing the symptoms of PCOS. B vitamins – especially B2, B3, B5 and B6 help in better sugar and fat metabolism, improve thyroid functioning and render better hormone balance, improve fertility all of which are essential for PCOS management.
The minerals helps to neutralize the acidity caused by inflammation and impaired glucose tolerance. Calcium helps in egg maturation and follicle development in ovaries; potassium is needed for FSH (Follicle Stimulation Hormone) production. It helps to reduce PMS symptoms and also promotes weight loss.
Colored Vegetables
Brightly colored vegetables not only makes for an appetizing salad but also helps in controlling PCOS and must be included in the PCOS diet plan. Colorful vegetables are loaded with powerful antioxidants that help to neutralize the harmful effects of oxidative stress in women suffering from PCOS.
Fruits are rich in phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and fibres so it should not be avoided entirely because of its fructose content only.
Include fruits that have low GI such as lime, strawberries, apricot, grapefruit, lemon, cantaloupe, guava, pear, oranges, watermelon, blueberries, nectarines, apples and kiwifruit and also eat a handful of nuts or seeds with the fruits for the much needed protein boost that helps to control the sudden sugar spike caused by fruits.
Healthy Fats
Healthy fats and essential fatty acids are indispensable for maintaining the cells and removing toxins from the body as well as promoting hormonal balance and weight management. Healthy fats also hold an important place in PCOS fertility diet. Healthy fats are found in seeds, nuts, avocado, olive oil and oily fishes like tuna and salmon. Salmon is an amazing source of healthy fats and vitamin D that helps relieve certain problems related to PCOS. Tuna is rich in B vitamins and vitamin D both of which are essential for women with PCOS.
Organic Meat
Because weight gain is a major issue related to PCOS, it is important to include lean proteins in a PCOS weight loss diet in order to control body weight.
Meat is one of the powerful natural sources of protein.
Low GI Carbohydrates
It is not necessary to completely cut carbohydrates even if one hasPCOS;Wejust need to choose the carbohydrates wisely. Carbohydrates with high Glycemic Index such as instant breakfast cereals, white breads, white bagels and white rice cause fast rise and blood sugar levels which in turn increase the release of insulin from the pancreas in order to use the glucose for energy, but high levels of insulin in the body eventually leads to insulin resistance and obesity which worsens PCOS symptoms.
Therefore, it is suggested to opt for healthy carbohydrates with low Glycemic Index that takes longer to break down and digest, causing slow and consistent release of blood glucose in the body. Low GI foods also aid to keep you satiated for longer and prevent cravings. Most legumes, beans, and lentils and non-starchy vegetables have low GI rating.
How PCOS affects Our Body
• Infertility
• Metabolic syndrome: (High blood sugar, high blood pressure, Low HDL, High HDL). These parameters together called metabolic syndrome and they increase the risk for various lifestyle diseases like Heart disease, Diabetes and stroke
• Sleep apnea
• Endometrial cancer
• Depression
Research paper : International Journal of Advance Research (Role of Diet in Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)