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Dietitian for Diabetes in New Friends Colony

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Diabetes Diet

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Dt. Kanika Khanna is a professional Diabetes Dietitian in New Friends Colony having 14+ years of experience. We are known as Best Diabetes Diet Consultant in New Friends Colony. So, You can visit Top Most Verified Diabetes Diet Clinic in New Friends Colony. Book Appointment Online for Diabetes Diet in New Friends Colony.


Manage Weight

Boost Energy

Boost Energy


Improve Wellbeing


Boost Protein

Client Reviews
Lost 7kgs in 2 months. Sugar levels are down and cravings are over. Energy levels are up. Highly recommend.
Raju Bhatia - 4 weeks ago
I m very happy with my dietician. I lost 4 kgs in a month. More satisfying is that I stopped my diabetes medicine and able to maintain the sugar levels same as with medicine.
Anita Jain - a year ago
I have had a wonderful experience with the diet sent by the team. The diet helped me to control my sugars and weight as well. The diet is pretty flexible and helps to maintain a healthy weight. The dt. took constant follow up regarding sugars, weight and craving list too that will help to maintain the cravings with the diet as well. Looking forward for some more amazing results. Thank you for the support from Dt. Kanika and team (Dt. Sanjali). Having an amazing and comfortable journey. Highly recommended.
Kirti Karanjkar - a year ago
Kanika and DIETOFY was recommended to me by a friend. When my mother in law (aged 68) was facing prolonged leg pain issues, blood sugar fluctuations, tiredness and a general lack of energy, we enrolled her in Kanika's diabetic management program.
Its been two and a half months since she started the program and there has been a tremendous improvement in her health. Her sugar levels are now in control, the leg pain and cramps have disappeared, and she is exercising regularly. There is a glow and energy within her which wasn't there a few months ago.
Kanika and her team has been proactive and respond to all messages quickly . Ankita in particular is ever so helpful, checking on sugar levels daily and ensuring that my mum in law is comfortable with all food items in the diet plan.
We are extremely happy with the results and would recommend DIETOFY with anyone who wishes to improve their health.
Anita Menezes - 3 years ago
The diets prescribed by Dt kanika has resulted in terrific results for me. My Insulin dose got reduced to 14 units from 56 units. In just one month time , my weight came down to 66.6 kgs from 71.3 kgs..Unbelievable achievement. The entire team of dt Kanika has been very helpful , with a special mention of dt Pragati Pant, who has been really very supportive and caring throughout the entire programme period. I wish the team of Dietofy , a big success and a very bright future ahead. Keep doing the good work and help the masses fight with their ailments. All d best Regds Amit Srivastava
Impressive effort by the DIETOFY team! Their work helps me maintain lower sugar levels and weight. Highly recommended. Their genuine care for your well-being is remarkable.
Captin Sabapathy - 4 months ago
Dietofy is really very helpful for my husband as he is diabetic person and his sugar level was very high. But after following the diet chart provided by dietofy dietitians, now his blood sugar readings are under control and he feels very energetic as compared to earlier days.
And all this is possible just because of dietofy.
We are very grateful to whole team for their hardwork and a special thanks to dietitian Sanjali for her continuous support and care.
During the whole program we never disappointed with the services provided by dietofy team.
Once again thank you so muchπŸ™
Himanshi Lodhi - 2 years ago
I have been on the plan with Kanika and her team for about a month now and whilst the reason was to get healthier with better, nutritional diet, I am delighted that I lost almost 5 kgs within weeks. And that too, with a filling, tasty diet ! Lovitt ! :) I am diebetic and my sugar levels have come down too ! Cant wait to see what the next few months bring ! Really appreciate Megha's diligent follow up and motivating msgs and calls ! Many thanks, Team Dietofy ! 😊
Bhaskar Dutt - 3 years ago
The brief fitness odyssey with Kanika and team is like mastering new skills on nutrition, which successfully fulfilled much awaited wish of reducing my belly fat and reversing diabetes. Since 2 years, I was diabetic (8.8% Hb A1c) and thankfully the sugar levels are under control now. The health problems like eye pain, headaches, lethargic feeling and tiredness are no more and I feel energetic, all because of right diet and exercise regime.
The best thing about Dietofy is they listen patiently and prepare the diet chart as per the clients taste, food preferences and availability of food items. So, I must say that you guys doing a great job and deserve 5 stars 🌟 from my side. Best wishes ❀
Meenakshi Singh - 3 years ago
I lost total 10kg with dietofy. I can see tremendous change in my energy level. My join pain has gone. My sugar levels are stable and my bloating problem is gone. Thanks to Dt. Kanika and Dt. Bodhika mam who helped me to plan my diet according to my food liking. There were weekly calls to see my improvement and to do necessary changes if needed. I would highly recommend to try this diet specially if you have any health issues, you will see so much improvement.
Neena Vaidya - 7 months ago
This is a great team of educated and focussed dieticians led by Kanika Khanna. They are well organized with fantastic daily follow up. Being a diabetic is a challenging lifestyle for anyone. Having a diet tailor made for me and a personal dietician on call has benefited me in various ways. I highly recommend Kanika and Asta who is part of her awesome team.
My husband and I were lucky to find them through a friend. My personal goal was to bring down my A1C as I have been a diabetic for the last 15 years due to a genetic disposition. I have been a reasonably fit person, playing regular competitive tennis and eating right, so staying at a healthy weight range was not my challenge or goal. My goal was to bring my sugar numbers down as recently it had become a big challenge even with careful diet. My body had become sluggish and I did not want to increase my medication.
This is when Kanika and team came into the picture. Kanika has worked hard at changing my already healthy food habits to an even more conscious one by increasing my good fat intake and changing my carbs to better options.
Asta who is part of this group has been amazing with her daily follow up and guidance. Together they have made a huge impact in lowering my sugar numbers and the added benefit was me losing about 8 pounds and feeling svelte at 53 yrs and a cool 120 lbs (never been this weight all my adult life!)
These are the gals who will be your pick me up when you need a jolt to get back to a healthy lifestyle and you won't regret it! They will be my go to gals when I slip off the healthy scale. Btw, all this was done remote as I live in Florida and the team is in New Friends Colony!
Mridula - a year ago
Hello everyone. This is continum of my feedback ( first given within 2 months of starting) .It is now over 9 months and I feel I must share the goodness of this program, based on my own experience.
I admit that I started this program not knowing how it will be , but after 6 weeks, reduced my weight by over 3 Kg without fasting or staying hungry.. just followed the given diet that also reduced my insulin intake by 50 % ; and after 3 moths got out of insulin altogether, one of my key objectives. One other goal : got my weight down to my target of 70 Kg ( from 84). Few months after I started this program, in December 2019, Covid 19 pandemic suddenly emerged..and we have been in lockdown, on and off, totalling 6 months or so...and thus stayed home mostly..Yet my weight has remained 70 kg and I continue to be out of insulin. My HbA1c result of May was 5.6 and 3 months later in August 5.8 ..I am out out of insulin but continue medication..but that is ok as those were my targets well achieved , which I must say, happened thru this program. I also recommend to take this program (renew 3 monthly) for at least 9 months.. to try and progress first 3 months ; 3 months towards/ get to your targets ; and 3 more to consolidate (make some kind of habit of things learned ). I believe this program is also good for overall health, not only diabetics ... Worth trying ...
I thank my friend who introduced me to this program and of course to the dedication of Dt Kanika Khanna and her team shown throughout the program.
Deepak rajbhandary (Kathmandu) - 3 years ago
  • Description

Diabetes Reversal Program

Diabetes Diet Consultant in New Friends Colony, Dietitian for Diabetes in New Friends Colony, Nutritionist for Diabetes in New Friends Colony, Dietician for Diabetes in New Friends Colony. Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, refer to a group of disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level (hyperglycemia) over a prolonged period of time. Glucose is vital to your health because it's an important source of energy for the cells that make up your muscles and tissues. It's also your brain's main source of fuel but too much sugar in your blood can lead to serious health problems.It is one of the fastest growing diseases worldwide is rising rapidly in people of all age groups including adolescents and children.

While the good news is, it is possible to reverse diabetes at early stages and reverse prediabetes by doing simple modifications in your lifestyle.If you have obesity, your diabetes is more likely to go reverse if you lose a substantial amount of weight in a healthier way.Type 2 diabetes is an ongoing disease. After its reversal, which means you aren't taking medication and your blood sugar levels stay in a healthy range, there's always a chance that symptoms will return if you wont maintain your healthy lifestyle. To keep sugars under control through out, Youneed to follow a healthy regime of diet and exercise.

Risk factors for diabetes
β€’ Family history
β€’ Over Weight. The more fatty tissue you have, the more resistant your cells become to insulin.
β€’ Inactivity. The less active you are, the greater your risk
β€’ Age. Your risk increases as you get older.
β€’ Gestational diabetes. If you developed gestational diabetes when you were pregnant, your risk of developing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes increases.
β€’ Polycystic ovary syndrome. For women, having polycystic ovary syndrome β€” a common condition characterized by irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth and obesity β€” increases the risk of diabetes.
β€’ Sedentary Lifestyle
β€’ Stress

Symptoms of onset of Diabetes
Diabetes symptoms vary depending on how much your blood sugar is elevated
Some of the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are:
β€’ Increased thirst
β€’ Frequent urination
β€’ Extreme hunger
β€’ Unexplained weight loss
β€’ Presence of ketones in the urine (ketones are a byproduct of the breakdown of muscle and fat that happens when there's not enough available insulin)
β€’ Fatigue
β€’ Irritability
β€’ Blurred vision
β€’ Slow-healing sores
β€’ Frequent infections, such as gums or skin infections and vaginal infections

Cure your Diabetes in just three simple steps
1) Well balanced low carb diet
2) Strengthening Exercises
3) Supplements like Vitamin D in case if you are severely deficient

Well balance Low carb diet
A low carb well balanced plan and exercise along with some supplements like vitamin d etc in case if you are deficient helps to improve the body's sensitivity to insulin. The hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels and thus reduce the risk of insulin resistance , which is often a precursor of tyoe two Diabetes.One can also prevent this health condition by following a low glycemic load diet, include high fiber food like vegetables, low gifruits , salads, good quality protein such as paneer, fish ,chicken and healthy fats like avocado , nuts etc

Avoid foods with a high glycemic index (foods that raise blood sugar too quickly) are ::
β€’ Deserts
β€’ Sweets
β€’ Pastries
β€’ Breads
β€’ Chips
β€’ Crackers
β€’ Pasta

A good strengthening physical activity is a way to improve diabetes, but it may be tough to lose weight and reverse diabetes with workouts alone. When combined with healthy low carb well balanced diet , though, exercise helps.

Foods you eat provide you vitamins and minerals. However, more and more people are turning to alternative medicines and supplements. These are just claim to be supplemental. Supplements are used when people are not receiving enough nutrients through food alone. Diabetic diets are low carb diets /low GI diets which are nutrient deficient, to prevent from nutrient deficiency, You should always take supplements under your dietician supervision.

How Dietofy team help you:
Managing diabetes is not easy, but with the right care and support we can do it! Dietofy team will provide you the full support with alternate days sugar monitoring. reduce dependence on medicine by simple change in your eating habits. We address the root cause of diabetes which is poor insulin resistance and work on that with the proper diet, exercise and nutrients. Withthe right support and care you can manage to reverse you diabetes and lower the chances for complications.

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